Role Name

With this autofs role, autofs_2 can be configured NFS, CIFS and bindmounts mounts. SSHFS is still (2023/10) under development ...


No special ...

Role Variables

Name Type Default value Purpose Comment Role
autofs_2_use_autofs Boolean false central variable to activate the role - autofs_2
autofs_2_use_autofs_cifs Boolean false enable CIFS mounts - autofs_2
autofs_2_use_autofs_nfs Boolean false enable NFS mounts - autofs_2
autofs_2_use_autofs_sshfs Boolean false enable SSHFS mounts - autofs_2
autofs_2_use_autofs_bindmount Boolean false enable local bindmount mounts - autofs_2
Variable What is meant
mount_target this means the directory into the mount_point is mounted
mount_point the mount point name which should be mounted
mount_options all mount options
mount_comment a comment if desired
mount_map_file if an own mapfile is to be used, otherwise the default is taken
remote_server the remote server, this can be a FQDN or an IPv4 address
remote_directory the remote directory
autofs_options autofs optionen
default_auto_nfs_map_file here the default file for NFS is configured
default_auto_sshfs_map_file here the default file for SSHFS is configured
default_auto_bindmount_map_file here the default file for bindmounts is configured
default_auto_cifs_map_file here the default file for CIFS is configured
autofs_options autofs specific options

Example / How-to-use

The role can be configured via group_vars or host_vars. The role is switched on/off centrally via the variable autofs_2_use_autofs. After that, variables can be used to activate which mounts should be used and these are then configured. See the examples below. The configuration files are configured in defaults/main.yml.


autofs_2_use_autofs_cifs: true
  - mount_target: "/<local-dir>/cifs"
    mount_point: "<local-mount-point-name>"
    mount_options: "-fstype=cifs,<all-cifs-specific-mount-options>"
    mount_comment: "<mount-comment>"
    mount_map_file: "{{ default_auto_cifs_map_file }}"
    remote_server: "://<FQDN-or-IP>"
    remote_directory: "<remote-share-name>"
    autofs_options: "timeout=60  --ghost"
  • remote_directory: has to start with ://


autofs_2_use_autofs_nfs: true
  - mount_target: "/<local-dir>/nfs"
    mount_point: "<local-mount-point-name>"
    mount_options: "-fstype=nfs,<all-nfs-specific-mount-options>"
    mount_comment: "<mount-comment>"
    mount_map_file: "{{ default_auto_nfs_map_file }}"
    remote_server: "<FQDN-or-IP>:"
    remote_directory: "<remote-dir>/filme"
    autofs_options: "--timeout=60  --ghost"
  • remote_directory: must not be start with /


autofs_2_use_autofs_bindmount: true
  - mount_target: "/<local-dir>/localbbind"
    mount_point: "<local-mount-point-name>"
    mount_options: "-type=bind"
    mount_comment: "<mount-comment>"
    mount_map_file: "{{ default_auto_bindmount_map_file }}"
    remote_server: "bindmount"
    remote_directory: ":/tmp"
    autofs_options: "--timeout=60  --ghost"
  • remote_server: must be bindmount !! Because of we have no remote-server !!
  • remote_directory: has to start with : !! Because it is the local source !!


Is not ready yet. We are working on it.


None ...



If you have problems, you can turn on the autofs debugging.

  • /etc/default/autofs
  • OPTIONS="--debug"

Or stop autofs ... and run automount in the foreground with verbose information

  • systemctl stop autofs
  • automount -f -v


The file vars/main.yml is only used as an example and should not be used.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }



Author Information

Author: Christian Schneider Maintainer: ID Product Center - Linux Client