Gnome ETH Custom

This Role customizes Gnome desktop


Nothing is required

Role Variables

Enable this role

gnome_custom_conf: false

The background color used for the gdm screen as well as for the inital background color for each new user session. User can override this value for the session

gnome_background_color: "#17417C"

Destination path for the custom ETH gdm theme

gdm_custom_theme_dest: "/usr/local/share/gnome-shell/custom-gdm"

Build dir where the dconf binary files are beeing built for the custom ETH gdm theme

gdm_custom_theme_build_dir: "/tmp/custom-gdm"

The source theme that will be spawned for the new ETH custom gdm theme

gdm_custom_theme_source: "/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/gnome-shell-theme.gresource"

Disable list of users on the gnome logon screen (Username has to be entered all the time

gdm_settings_disable_user_list: true

List of apps in the favorite bar that are initially added for each new logged in user

  - 'yelp.desktop'
  - 'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop'
  - 'gnome-terminal.desktop'

Delay in seconds before the screen goes blank during user session

gnome_blank_screen_delay: 900

Delay in seconds before the screen get locked

gnome_lock_screen_delay: 0

If set to true user can not change the screen lock settings (excepting user has root privileges)

gnome_lock_lock_screen_settings: false


  • jammy_gnome

Example Playbook

- hosts: desktops 
     - jammy_gnome_custom



Author Information

Thomas Berchtold