
This is the role to control sudo(ers)




  • can enforce all sudo-settings
  • can en/disable local sudo group and overwrite the users of it

Role Variables

Name Type Default value Purpose Comment Role
sudo_conf Boolean false indicates if sudoers management is enabled - jammy_sudo
sudo_enforce_s4d_sudoers_strongly Boolean true indicates if sudoers management is enabled and OVERRIDE it if true, deletes all contents of /etc/sudoers.d/ and rebootstrap it with CxS configs each config run jammy_sudo
sudo_localgroup_sudo_is_enabled Boolean false indicates local sudo group is enabled - jammy_sudo
sudo_by_groups String false this groups will have sudo rights Groups have to be comma & space separated "group1, group2, group3" jammy_sudo
sudo_users_in_localgroup_sudo String false if local sudo groups are enabled, this string can overwrite its contents (users) Users have to be comma & space separated "user1, user2, user3" jammy_sudo
sudo_sudoersd_additional_entries String false if special sudoers are needed (group xy can only execute command yx), this var can be used Multiple entry can be pushed, and also multiple commands as following jammy_sudo
    - name: nameofsudoers.d/file
      group: sysop
      - "/usr/bin/htop"
      - "/usr/bin/glances"
    - name: zabbix
      group: zabbix
      commands: "/usr/sbin/smartctl"

please note, that you have to use full paths for the commands, only "htop" would produce a syntax error. for more details please have a look at the underlining sudo-module of ansible


Role dependencies

Package dependencies

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }



Author Information

Maintainer: Niklaus Kappeler
