Message Of ToDay

Ansible Role to push some Message Of ToDay (login banner) inkluding logo, servidesk-contact-emails, security patch-windows and so on..



Role Variables

Name Type Default value Purpose Comment Role
motd_conf Boolean false true/false switch to en/disable role, always defaults to "false", so a role is only enabled (over the inventory, groupsvars and so on) if really needed and our setup is modular jammy_motd
modt_logi String " 𝙀𝙏𝙃 Zurich " String which prints the logo. If multiple lines are needed, you can creat new lines with \n, no spaces needed. jammy_motd
motd_print_last_ansible_update Boolean false print time and date of the last ansible config run out over motd jammy_motd
grub_timeout int 2 Integer to grub menu timeout in seconds jammy_motd
support_wiki String "" String which prints the wiki url at login will only be printed out, if definied ("" is ignored) jammy_motd
support_url String "" String which prints the userdocumentation url at login will only be printed out, if definied ("" is ignored) jammy_motd
support_contact String "" String which prints the support contact (as default our mail at login will only be printed out, if definied ("" is ignored) jammy_motd
motd_news String "" String which prints some news at login will only be printed out, if definied ("" is ignored) jammy_motd
motd_server_news String "" String which prints some server_news at login, perfectly for anouncing the next security patching window will only be printed out, if definied ("" is ignored) jammy_motd
last_ansible_update String "{{ }}" method to fill in the date and time each ansible config (motd!) run if you want to show this timestamp to the users, please ensure "motd_print_last_ansible_update" is set to "true" & and this role jammy_motd is included into the config run (this can be simply ensured over the tag "motd") jammy_motd
server_contact String contact of the serveradmin (mostly a PHD/researchers), important to know, how is in charge of/using this system multirole
home_folder_protocol String "" defines, which home_folder_protocol is used, if it is set to "local", a backup warning is printed multirole



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
   - { role: jammy_motd, tags: ["jammy", "motd", "pr", "news", "patching"] }



Author Information

Maintainer: Niklaus (Niggi) Kappeler
